2024 Public Sector PMO, Change & Transformation Salary & Talent Report



Adaptation is the cornerstone of effective governance, as public sector entities strive to evolve and meet the needs of citizens. Our Change & Transformation Talent & Salary Report delves into the intricacies of driving organisational change within governmental institutions. Explore key employers leading transformation efforts, identify geographic clusters of change management expertise, stay ahead of emerging trends, and access salary data tailored to the public sector. Whether you're spearheading digital innovation initiatives or seeking opportunities in change management, this report serves as your indispensable guide.

Navigating change is inherent to the public sector's mission of serving citizens effectively. This report examines the landscape of change and transformation talent within governmental entities, highlighting key employers, geographic concentrations of expertise, emerging trends, and salary dynamics. From organisational restructuring to digital innovation initiatives, this report serves as a valuable resource for stakeholders involved in driving transformational change.

Check out our latest LinkedIn Live where Max Dewar, Senior PMO, Change & Transformation Recruitment Consultant, talks through the report...

📊 Exclusive Insights: Gain access to insights and analysis tailored for Hiring Managers and Candidates, offering perspectives on talent acquisition strategies and career development. 

💡 Expert Commentary: Hear directly from Max as he shares his expertise, providing valuable insights for Hiring Managers on optimising recruitment strategies and offering guidance to Candidates on navigating the job market. 

🌐 Global Outlook: Explore the worldwide landscape of Change and Transformation in public sector talent and salary trends, enabling Hiring Managers to make informed decisions and Candidates to understand market expectations. 

💰 Salary Guidance: Get detailed salary guidance to help both Hiring Managers and Candidates benchmark and negotiate compensation effectively. 

❓ Q&A Session: Participate in a live Q&A session, where you can directly engage with Max, gaining personalised insights and advice