The Passage Case Study

The Passage

About The Client

The Passage is a prominent charity organisation dedicated to helping homeless individuals in London. They provide essential support services, including shelter, meals, and outreach programmes, with the mission of helping people on their journey out of homelessness. The Passage is well-regarded in the charity sector and is known for its commitment to making a meaningful impact on the lives of those experiencing homelessness.

At the heart of The Passage's mission is a deep belief in the inherent dignity and potential of every individual they serve. Beyond immediate needs like shelter and food, The Passage offers comprehensive support aimed at empowering individuals to rebuild their lives with dignity and self-sufficiency. Through personalised case management, vocational training, and access to resources, they strive to address the root causes of homelessness and foster long-term stability for their beneficiaries. By fostering a sense of community and belonging, The Passage not only provides practical assistance but also restores hope and confidence in those they serve, inspiring them to envision and pursue brighter futures.

Find out how Understanding Recruitment NFP provided crucial support to The Passage, a prominent London-based charity dedicated to combating homelessness, by promptly fulfilling a vital Maternity Cover role for a Salesforce Data Manager.
Week turnaround
CV sends

The Challenges

The Passage faced a critical staffing challenge when they approached Understanding Recruitment NFP. They needed to fill a Maternity Cover Salesforce Data Manager position within a tight timeframe of six weeks. This role required a candidate with specific expertise in Salesforce CRM, experience in the charity sector, and skills in reporting, dashboard creation, database management, and change request management. The charity was struggling to attract suitable candidates organically, and their initial job advertisement did not yield promising results.

The Solution

Understanding Recruitment NFP stepped in to assist The Passage with their staffing needs. When the client initially reached out, they were referred to us by St Martins in the Field, another charity organisation with whom we had successfully placed a Data Manager. The Passage's initial brief was clear: they needed a Salesforce Data Manager for a Maternity Cover position. Understanding Recruitment NFP advised the client on several key aspects:


  1. Candidate Seniority: We suggested that the client consider candidates who were looking to take a step up in their careers. This advice aligned with the organisation's budget constraints.

  2. Salary Guidance: We educated the client on salary expectations for the role, recommending that they aim toward the upper end of the salary banding to attract high-calibre candidates.


Understanding Recruitment NFP also proposed handling the advertising on the client's behalf due to the limited response they were receiving from their initial advertisement. The client agreed, allowing us to proceed with the recruitment process. We crafted custom job advertisements that prominently featured The Passage's mission and promoted the charity to potential candidates.

Throughout the engagement, we held multiple client meetings to thoroughly understand the job role and ensure alignment with The Passage's needs. We collaborated closely with the client in reviewing CVs, considering both technical skills and cultural fit. This holistic approach was particularly important in the charity sector, where cultural fit and alignment with the organisation's mission are crucial.


Understanding Recruitment NFP successfully secured a Data Manager for The Passage within a remarkably short timeframe. The timeline for this achievement was as follows:

  • Wednesday (Week 1): The role was qualified.
  • Wednesday (Week 2): An offer was extended.
  • Recruitment Process: We presented five CVs, conducted three interviews, and ultimately extended one job offer.


The impact on The Passage was significant. Not only did we provide a qualified candidate swiftly, but our partnership also strengthened their confidence in our ability to deliver results efficiently. The Passage now sees us as a trusted partner for future recruitment needs within the charity sector.


How Understanding Recruitment NFP Added Value:

Beyond simply filling the role, Understanding Recruitment NFP added substantial value to The Passage's recruitment process. We:

  • Implemented a structured timeline.
  • Facilitated multiple client meetings to gain a deep understanding of the role.
  • Focused on cultural fit in addition to technical skills.
  • Crafted custom advertisements to promote The Passage.
  • Offered to create marketing collateral to enhance the charity's image.


While there may not be an immediate need for additional hires at The Passage, our partnership remains strong. The client referred us to a colleague, and we are committed to providing ongoing support and recruitment services as needed. This collaboration demonstrates our dedication to building lasting relationships and making a positive impact within the charity sector. We look forward to future projects with The Passage and similar organisations, continuing to provide the best candidates and recruitment solutions.



Understanding Recruitment NFP's successful recruitment process for The Passage showcased our ability to meet the specific needs of charity organisations, filling a critical role swiftly and efficiently while adding substantial value to the client's recruitment efforts.

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